8 places To Keep google adsense (with Demo)

In this blog post I will describe you how to put adsense in different places of blog. Exact placement of adsense will increase your revenue. Many blogger feel difficult to put adsense inside blog post but its no more difficult. In this post will will describe how to implement in all the places. So far we have kept 8 places......

1. In the Sidebar 

This is the most easy to keep adsense no need of any technical knowledge.

 How to Implement

Follow the steps
  •  Sign in to your Adsense account. 
  •  Click "My Ads" Tab on the right side of Home 
  •   Add a New Unit or  Import a old Code
  •  Choose the add type....we recommend you to put add of add of 300 by 250, 250 by 250 or 336 by 280 large rectangle. 
  •  Get a code 
  •  Sign In to you blogger. Layout>>Add a Gadget>>HTML/Javascript Put you adsense code
  •  Save it. Check the blog.
  •  Done 

2. Below Header or Main Menu Bar 

If you want to put adsense below Main menu bar . follow the above steps get a code. We recommend you add size of 780 by 90 letterboard or 780 by 15 links units. You need to parsed the HTML code to XML code.
Adsense Code Converter  

 Sign in to your dashboard >> Template >> Edit HTML>> 
Find this code <div id='content-wrapper'>  Use Ctrl+F
You will see the list of link of your main Main bar. Below this paste your converted adsense code

<div style='float:center; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;'>
Your Google Parsed Code
New Improvement 

Google has just release a New Ads Unit 970 by 90 Super Leader board. We recommend you to keep that unit of Adsense in order to increase Revenue. Because Many Templates have width of more than 960 It will fit from left to right. Giving attractive Looks. 

3. Above Title  Bar

Tips given in number 2 and 3 seems to be same but when you go deeply there is different. Tips 2 show you to put adsense below menu bar. This will cover from left to right.
Now we are going to put adsense only above post title.
Convert your adsense code From Here. Search for <div id='main-wrapper'> In your Template and paste parsed code right after this. Dont' Forget to use

<div style='float:left; padding: 0px; margin: 0px;'>
Your Google Parsed Code

We recommend you 460 × 68, 468 × 15 and 336 × 280

4. Between Posts in Homepage.

This is very easy no need to parsed any code. No need to search any code inside HTML. Just go to Earning Tab of your dashboard >> Show Adsense in my Blog >> Display Ads Below My post. Done...
  • This type of ads will only show in homepage not in every pages...

5. Below Post-Title

If you want to show ads below post title. Convert your adsense code From Here.
Search  <div class='post-header-line-1'/> put your converted code right after it.
This will show adsense in every pages.

Don't forgot to use
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<!-- Here your parsed code -->

6. Adsense Inside Blog Post.. 

If you want to keep adsense in right or left side inside blog Contents. Then Find this code <div class='post-body entry-content'> if you cannot find this code try for this  <div class='post-body'>
Then put the code as shown in example.

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style='float:right'>
If this doesn't work Then find this code   <div class='post-body'> You can find same code three times. Try in the last one. Preview. it .

You can float it right, left or center, Just change the left, right or center as you requirement.

If you want to show your adsense in left then change 'left' in the line of float
We recommend you : 125x125, 180x150, 120x240, 200x200 and 160x600

7. Between Body and Comment

Convert your ads code as mentioned above. Go to your template >> Edit Html>> Find this code
<b:includable id='commentDeleteIcon' var='comment'>

Put a code as shown as example just above it
<div style='float:right'>


We recommend you 468x60, 300x250 and 336x280 sizes ads format. 

8. Adsense in the Footer

Convert your ads code Go to template.. Edit html. Seach for this Code
<div id='footer-wrapper'> And Put your parsed code right after it...
This ads will show in homepage and in every pages.
I do write occasionally in English so pardon me for grammatical mistake.
8 places To Keep google adsense (with Demo) 8 places To Keep google adsense (with Demo) Reviewed by Pawan Paudel on 5/01/2013 Rating: 5


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