How Much Manpower TU Produce Every Year (Data Insight)

Tribhuvan University is the first, pioneer, largest and oldest university in Nepal which provides higher education to the Nepali students. It was founded as the national institution for higher education in 1959. The university has a national wide network of constituent and affiliated campuses /colleges that provide higher education in different disciplines and subjects and produce high level manpower for the overall development of the country. It derives its name from the late King Tribhuvan Bir Bikram Shah Dev.

Tribhuvan university (TU) is a public university located in Kirtipur, Kathmandu Nepal. Since it is government finance, it is less expensive than private universities. Therefore Tens of thousands of students enrolled every year.
+NepaliBlog  Team tries to visualize data of the students passed out in every Fiscal year in different levels. TU has four faculties and five institutes. 

Institute of Engineering (IOE)
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 2,638 3,850 463 624 554 650
Bachelor 5,208 8,832 1,053 1,022 1,089 1,655
Master 179 357 119 130 113 181
PHD 0 0 0 0 0 4
Total 8,025 13,039 1,635 1,776 1,756 2,490

Institute of Agricultural and Animal Science
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 0 0 0 0 0 0
Bachelor 124 125 128 172 292 144
Master 57 71 81 61 97 116

2 2 3
Total 181 196 209 235 391 263

Institute of Medicine (IOM)
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 289 598 303 303 263 289
Bachelor 182 175 481 400 920 890
Master 109 170 131 164 128 153
PHD 0 1 1
Total 580 944 916 867 1311 1332

Institute of Forestry
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 74 82 79 87 51
Bachelor 59 82 85 56 96 84
Master 12 22 24 29 26 41
PHD 2 2
Total 145 186 188 174 124 176

Institute of Science and Technology
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 1759 1971 1674 1781 929
Bachelor 1305 1971 2337 2532 2947 2429
Master 377 575 692 764 993 1183
PHD 6 7 10 4
Total 3447 4524 4713 5081 4869 3615

There are four faculties in TU. They are Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Management, Faculty of Education & Faculty of Law. Total number of passed students in every level in recent five fiscal year are given in the table below.

Faculty of Law
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 0 25 29

Bachelor 329 255 215 223 477 445
Master 41 32 30 23 47 35
PHD 2 1 1

Total 372 313 275 246 524 483

Faculty of Management
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 3415 3739 1703 1386 1504
Bachelor 6187 9326 8652 14276 14976 11576
Master 1110 2360 2676 1288 4004 2875
MPhil 21 30 23 16 28 52
PHD 4 7 6 4 7 5
Total 10737 15462 13060 16970 20519 14508

Faculty of Education
Level of Education Number of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 3155 3249 2859 3793 2798
Bachelor 5455 12193 13089 22427 21073 16708
Master 422 1151 1477 1931 5272 3529
MPhil 7 9 9 11 12 24
PHD 4 2 3 4 2 2
Total 9043 16604 17437 28166 29157 20263

Faculties of Humanities and Social Sciences
Level of EducationNumber of Passed Students in Different Fiscal Year
2065/66 2066/67 2067/68 2068/69 2069/70 2070/71
Certificate 5919 6239 4654 5697 4654
Bachelor 5891 7160 6515 1931 8491 6547
Master 1909 3620 3283 11 6471 4337
MPhil 0 10 - - - 91
PHD 37 32 40

Total 13756 17061 14492 7639 19616 11020

All above data are taken from Nepal Economic Survey 2071-72. Check Economic Survey-2071-72 Page Number 476.

How Much Manpower TU Produce Every Year (Data Insight) How Much Manpower TU Produce Every Year (Data Insight) Reviewed by Pawan Paudel on 7/16/2015 Rating: 5

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